
Novak Djokovic

Novak displays strong determination enroute to winning the 2011 Wimbledon Title.

Novak Djokovic

          Just when every tennis enthusiast thought that Rafael Nadal was the sport's indisputable king with his apparent mastery of the great Swiss Roger Federer,  here comes 24- yr- old Serbian Novak Djokovic who is now ranked as the world's number one.

            After the Federer-Nadal rivalry, the intense competition between Nadal and Djokovic has since been shaping up and taking center stage in a sports well-loved and keenly-watched around the world.  And rivalry such as this makes tennis all the more exciting.  We had tennis rivalries before.  That of Bjon Borg Vs. John McEnroe.  Of McEnroe and Jimmy Connors.  Of Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi.

            And the way I see it, Novak is reigning supreme as he continues to humble the erstwhile Lord of the Courts.  He's got his number.  In their personal match ups this year, Novak is 6-0 over Spain's Nadal.  This includes the recent US Open where the Serbian masterfully beat the Spaniard in 4 sets even with a bad back bothering him. And Novak's complete domination of  Nadal in the Wimbledon a few months back erased all doubts as to who really has firm hold on the much- coveted crown.  Cheers to the new king of tennis !!!!


Djokovic has now won four Grand Slam titles in his career

2011 Australian Open Champion

2011 Wimbledon Men's Singles Champion

Intense rivalry between Novak and Nadal

At the US Open

In action at the recent US Open

Novak's girlfriend Jelena Ristic

Novak and Jelena

Providing moral support

Calling a time out during a game at the 2011 US Open

Novak Djokovic gestures at the Olympic Games in Beijing

An injured Novak assisted bv trainer
** photos from www.google.com